Bitcoin has value for many reasons but one of its most commonly cited use cases is as a safe-haven asset. Bitcoin is like a bank account that is not subject to the laws of any single jurisdiction which is one of the many reasons it has become a safe-haven of choice for many savers and […]
We have all probably used a credit/debit card or a trusted third party payment network to purchase something whether it be online or at a brick and mortar store. When you make a payment, you might also think that you’re only paying with your money but that isn’t the reality. With every swipe of your […]
Since Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA has been conducting mass surveillance of not only US citizens but of citizens all around the world, there has been a substantial increase in the adoption of end-to-end encryption. These new encryption tools have made privacy so robust that now anyone with a smartphone, has access to more […]
In our hyper-connected tech world we have probably all heard a number of buzzwords that are related to cybercrime. Identity theft, ransomware, hacks, leaks, fraud, viruses, phishing, forgery, malware and spam are all terms that we either hear on the news or the latest primetime tv drama and that is because cybercrime is evolving at […]
Over the past decade, Crowdfunding has grown from being a small niche community to now being one of the first places to go to for businesses, causes and projects to raise startup capital. For those of you who don’t know or understand what crowdfunding is, it is simply the idea of collecting small amounts of […]